
Posts by Sinai Temple



My silver lining of this dare I say “unprecedented” time has been the ability to connect with my foundation. As human beings, we spend so much time building ourselves up and constructing entire cities out of our endeavors that we often forget to look at our foundation and grounding, which for me have been community. I am so grateful to Sinai for being that community for so many people, and am honored to be a part of that!

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Sinai Temple Religious School

WELCOME TO SINAI TEMPLE RELIGIOUS SCHOOL (STARS)! We are committed to instilling a strong connection to the Jewish tradition, Israel and the community at large. Our accredited, nurturing, and enthusiastic staff are passionate about teaching children the joy of Judaism. Starting in our elementary grades, we ‘do’ hands on Judaism, through art, movement in music/tefillah (prayer) and cooking. On Sunday mornings we ‘dance’ Judaism. In our upper grades, we continue to study Torah stories, Hebrew, Tefillah (prayer), and Israel. We have a unique Na’aseh program (5th-7th grades) that offers flexibility to our families, elective choices for our students and experiential…

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My name is Chaya Kashani. Something I’ve noticed about Zoom classes is the chat feature, where students are able to privately message teachers without disturbing the class. This allows me to get to know the students more, and it allows the students to advance in their learning, since they can ask questions they would be shy to ask in class. This reminds me of a well known Jewish teaching, ״לאהביישןלמד, ולאהקפדןמלמד״ – “the shy one doesn’t learn, and the strict one can’t teach” ( Ethics of Our Fathers, 2:5). While it is definitely not my first choice, virtual learning in…

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Before the pandemic, I frequently found myself going through the motions, overlooking the essential meanings behind lessons both within and beyond the confines of the classroom (as a student and teacher). The silver lining for me has been the ability to holistically reflect and simply be; thus, providing me a foundation to grow as a person and teacher. This opportunity changed my life in that it has broadened my understanding of Jewish values and deepened my connection with my students. I now recognize I am learning alongside each and every one of the students I have the honor to teach;…

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Viktorya Saroyan

The silver lining for me during this pandemic is having the opportunity to surround myself with such kind and compassionate people at Sinai. I’m very excited to grow at the Religious School and look forward to meeting and learning from students and educators alike.

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Siddurim Follow along with us! Friday Night Service Siddur Saturday Morning Service Siddur Torah Reading for 2/8/25: Parashat Beshalach

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Sinai Streamed Schedule

Sinai Streamed: Connecting Virtually & Spiritually Please join us for ongoing virtual programming, the majority of which is accessible via Sinai Temple’s YouTube channel. In order to receive the latest content, check out our Streaming Site, and don’t forget to “subscribe” to Sinai Temple’s channel and “like” our Facebook page. check out our streaming site Subscribe to YouTube Channel On our YouTube channel, please be sure to “tap” the bell icon in the upper right corner to receive notifications whenever we go live. This way you and your family will not miss a thing! You may also consider downloading the…

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