By Sinai Temple on
March 19, 2020
Sinai Temple COVID Policy Effective October 20, 2022 Our Sinai Temple Senior Leadership and Medical Advisory Committee continue to monitor the status of COVID in our county and best practices for community safety. Our updated COVID protocols below are in concordance with LA County Department of Public Health. Please note: These policies are subject to change if we experience a COVID surge and the community risk level increases. We continue to encourage everyone be fully vaccinated and boosted. It is the most effective way to keep our Sinai Temple community safe. Effective immediately: Individuals of all ages, independent of vaccine status,…
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By Sinai Temple on
July 16, 2019
High Holy Days 5781 Service Schedule Visit our High Holy Day microsite! Members in good standing have received a password for access to all High Holy Day content. All services will be available on this microsite, as well as links for Zoom experiences, High Holy Day resources, and more. If you have not received this password but believe you should have, please reach out to [email protected] Because Sinai Temple strives to serve the larger Jewish community, this year our Erev Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre, and most of the Yom Kippur services will be streamed LIVE to the public! Join…
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By Sinai Temple on
April 13, 2018
February 15-21; Sh’vat 17-23 Rabee Ahdout Aziz Ahdout Parviz Amini Toni Appell Helen Avnet David Baron Judith Berman Etty Bernstein Dean R. Bilchik Ralph H. Blaine Abraham Cohen Parviz Darviche Abraham Morris Domb Gene Essner Samuel Fainberg Giti Forouzanpour Herman R. Friedberg Jacob H. Friedel Asher Ganjian Nathan Geller Mildred Gelobter Richard T. Gershbock Samuel Gerstein Nasser Ghatan Robert Gluckstein Zysman Groner Mildred K. Grossman Zelda S. Grossman Lillian Grusd Manouchehr Hakaeian Eliaho Hazany Michael F. Horowitz Leland S. Huttner Moise Herscu Iancu Yahya Y. Kamran Anne Kaplan Hedayat Khalifian Akiba Kohen Harriett Kronick Rosalie L. Kurtz Marilyn Levine Zolaka…
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By Sinai Temple on
March 13, 2018
By Elizabeth Cushnir, 9th Grade I went into AIPAC not knowing what to expect. I knew I would be one of the more liberal teens in our delegation, and I also thought I might also be one of the more liberal people attending. While I consider myself very liberal, I love Israel. However, I also believe that Israel, like all countries, is not perfect. I went into my AIPAC experience hopeful, but also a little nervous. Would it be super biased? Would I feel singled out for being more liberal? Would I be called anti-Israel (as I have been called…
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By Sinai Temple on
March 13, 2018
By Aaron Benyamini, 9th grade The American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) Policy Conference is a yearly event that attracts people from all different backgrounds for one cause — Israel. Being a teen, Policy Conference surprised me in many different ways. Most adults and teens I have talked to see this event to be political event. I view it differently. I see it as a tremendous amount of different kinds of people — Jews, Muslims, Christians, people of color, Republicans, Democrats, anyone — coming from all around the world to support one cause. It is beautiful and very rare to…
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By Sinai Temple on
February 2, 2018
Howard Kaplan was born in Boyle Heights and grew up three blocks from the entrance to Griffith Park in Los Feliz. At the time, he could not have imagined that one day he would serve as General Manager of Mount Sinai Memorial Parks and Mortuaries, the largest Jewish cemetery organization in California, located just minutes from his childhood home. Howard joined Mount Sinai as its General Manager on February 1, 2018. Before joining Mount Sinai, Howard served as Executive Director of Wilshire Boulevard Temple for 13 years. Prior to becoming Executive Director he spent ten years as Director of the…
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By Sinai Temple on
January 18, 2018
Sinai Temple and Jewish National Fund are excited to launch a new initiative in 2018- to plant a forest of trees in the Negev. Trees are available at $18 per unit and make perfect gifts in honor of simchas and lifecycle events. How to order: 1. Visit & use promo code: 792233 2. Call 1-800-542-8733 and use the promo code: 792233 3. Write a check payable to JNF & mail it to Sinai Temple We hope that you will consider contributing to our lush, Sinai forest. For more information and to order your first tree on Israel, click HERE.
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By Sinai Temple on
January 12, 2018
By Eric Rachmani The annual Israel trip sponsored by David and Angela Nazarian is an extremely memorable trip that includes with intriguing activities, bonding with other Jewish teens, information about the outstanding history of Judaism and the Holy Land of Israel, and visiting some of the most significant landmarks in all of Israel; all compacted into one trip. In order to thoroughly appreciate the beauty of this trip, there were things that I am so glad I packed, or wish I packed, to maximize my enjoyment of this experience. First and foremost, a camera or electronic device that has the…
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By Sinai Temple on
December 13, 2017
From as early as I can remember, the Holocaust has always been a part of my life. By this I mean that I cannot remember a time where I did not know what the Holocaust was and what it meant for the Jews. This being said, nothing about the Holocaust or the Jewish narrative in World War II ever truly resonated with me. It was so long ago, and I live in such a safe environment for Jews, I never had to think twice.
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By Sinai Temple on
November 8, 2017
Stay up to date on Sinai Temple Teen Center news! Please fill out the form below to subscribe to our newsletter.
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