
Off the Pulpit

The Quiet Patriarch

We know less about Isaac than any of the other patriarchs. In the major events of his life he is acted upon – being bound for the Akedah and having Jacob steal the birthright by fooling Isaac in old age.

But we are also told that he redug the wells of his father and never left the land of Israel. In other words, Isaac was the patriarch of consolidation, the one who ensured that the remarkable achievements of Abraham would not be lost. Jacob could wander, because he had, in the terms of modern psychology, a secure base.

Isaac is our model of unspectacular goodness. His name means “laughter.” He did not try to outdo his father or overshadow his son. He loved Rebeka and despite his inability to create harmony between his children, they both cherished him enough to set aside their quarrel and come together to bury him. Not every action of consequence is also an action of chaos or combustion. In an age of flash and noise, the quiet heroism of Isaac is an inspiration.