
A Bisl Torah

New Beginnings

There is a palpable shift in the air. Summer is nearing her end and television commercials announcing “back to school” discounts frequent advertising space. I have met with multiple couples getting ready for September weddings and my calendar is nudging me to begin writing for the High Holy Days. As much as summer tries to tether us, new beginnings beckon.

Now is the time to make space for what is about to come.

Often, making space involves a regimen of clearing our closets and organizing the pantry. In my house, this is in full effect. But how does one make space for the moments, emotions, milestones, and connections that are about to transpire? How do you do so without losing who you are in the process and instead, creating a deeper level of understanding, attuned to what’s to come?

Judaism teaches us to mark the occasion. To name what gives us meaning and ritualize a blending of the past with the present, facing the future.

Before Shabbat begins, we light the Shabbat candles. Traditionally, the person lighting the candles motions three times, “waving” the light towards their heart over and over and over again. An opportunity to reflect during each circling of light: Tonight, I honor the past. Tonight, I embrace the present. Tonight, I make room for the future. Letting each circling of light recognize the facets of your soul—what has been created and what has yet to be formed.

A ritualized cleansing and expanding of our souls.

And as you encounter your new beginnings, I pray you honor the past, embrace the present and make room for the future.

Shabbat Shalom

In partnership with The Jewish Journal, you can also find Rabbi Guzik’s blog post HERE.

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