
Honorable Mensch-ion

Always Something New

On my way to my office this week, I stopped in to a Sinai Akiba Academy guest lecturer, children’s author and illustrator, Bryan Collier. He explained to the children that each one of them is an artist in his or her own way. He then took out a book, “Snowy Day,” that changed the course of his life. He said, “You never outgrow a picture book.” For 45 years, Collier read that book, but just this past year, he noticed something new. I could not help but think of our upcoming celebration of Simchat Torah, as we conclude the Torah, yet immediately commence the book once again. The words never change, but we do. Collier gave a charge to the students; always create no matter where you walk.

Our holiday season comes to an end. We have experienced the spiritual high of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, sat around our festive tables, afflicted our souls through fasting, and remembered loved ones. So now what? It is no coincidence that the Torah begins with creation, for that is our job in partnership with the Holy One.

As 5780 gets under way, may we be open the good book once more and create meanings anew. May we never outgrow this book, our sacred Torah.

Chag Sameach

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