
Honorable Mensch-ion

The Best Teachers Are Our Students

RecentIy, I was impressed when a young child told me that the tooth fairy gives him a $10 allowance for each tooth. I asked him, “What do you do with all that money? He said, “The first time I gave it to tzedakah.” A simple act of reward, transformed into an act of chesed, lovingkindness.

Our Torah teaches in the Shema that we must teach Torah to our children. Sefer Hachinuch tells us that if a parent and a child both need to study Torah, the child takes precedence. Repeatedly, we learn more from our children than the lessons we attempt to teach them. In essence, our greatest teachers in the world are our students. Each morning and evening we recite the Shema- Listen, Israel. Allow yourself to open your ears, hearts, and minds to the lessons of those around you. Listen Israel- listen to the teachings you receive as you lay down at night.

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