Ok…there’s another birthday in the Guzik-Sherman household.
Our first born is turning five. An entire hand.
I was thinking about the number five in our tradition. The five books of Moses. The chamsa—five fingers that symbolize God’s protective hand; a hand embracing God’s children.
But what seems beautiful and different about turning five is knowing that while on one hand, your baby still teeters on toddler hood, she is inching towards that other hand…and you can start to see glimpses of six, seven, eight, nine and ten…such special years of growth, maturity, and independence.
Almost every day of Annie as a four- year -old has been speaking about what she gets to do when she turns five. Turning five means learning how to ride a bike without training wheels. Turning five means speaking about when she can get her ears pierced (speaking about…I’m not ready yet!) Turning five means looking ahead towards kindergarten and creating so many wonderful memories with her teachers and peers. We have been talking about turning five for what seems like forever.
I can’t help but compare her journey to that of the children of Israel in the book of Deuteronomy. The fifth book of the Torah. One that seems to be a recapitulation of the travels and experiences of the Jewish people. So many conversations. So many discussions about what will happen once they reach the Promised Land. But the story doesn’t end with the fifth book. We know that the Jewish people continue on…with more obstacles, more challenges, more miracles, more wonderment.
Little girl, turning five is incredibly special. But the best part is…your story continues. While you are five, we will indulge in building towers, arranging tea parties, bike riding, playing dolls and painting everything the colors purple and pink. But come December 18th, I am sure the discussion will turn towards, “What happens when I am six?”
And your Abba and I will smile, hearts brimming with pride, happy that you are allowing us to be part of the conversation.
Happy 5th birthday Annie Sherman!
Shabbat Shalom
P.S. As an aside, I want to express my gratitude to the readers (all of you) that let me indulge in sharing my joys, sorrows, experiences and moments of learning. A Bisl Torah is also having its five-year-old birthday and this has been a wonderful outlet for me. Taking the milestones of my life and weaving Torah through the ups and downs…I am blessed to be given this opportunity. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.