MembershipTorah ReadingsCultural RitualsScheduleProgramming & Services
Wednesday, October 16 Erev Sukkot
Sinai Temple offices close at 3:00 PM
5:45 PM Chag Service in Kohn Chapel streamed
Thursday, October 17 Sukkot, Day #1
9:00 AM Chag Service [Ziegler Sanctuary] streamed
5:45 PM Mincha/Maariv service in Kohn Chapel streamed
Friday, October 18 Sukkot, Day #2
9:00 AM Chag Service [Kohn Chapel] streamed
10:00 AM Lulavapalooza: with Jason Mesches-A Dor Chadash Experience for Young Children
5:45 PM Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat [Kohn Chapel]
6:30-8:30 PM: Shabbat Dinner in the Sukkot on Wilshire Patio and/or Pilot Plaza
Wednesday, October 23 Hoshana Rabbah & Erev Sh’mini Atzeret
Sinai Temple offices close at 3:00 PM
7:30-9:00 AM Hoshana Rabbah service [90 minute service in Kohn Chapel]
5:45 PM Chag Service [Kohn Chapel]
Thursday, October 24 Sh’mini Atzeret
9:00 AM Chag Service in Ziegler Sanctuary.
** NOTE: estimated start time of Yizkor is ~10:30 AM
5:30-6:30 PM Simchat Torah in the Streets
** Park inside the garage and meet on corner of Holmby and Ashton
7:00 PM Maariv and Torah Reading in Kohn Chapel.
Friday, October 25 Simchat Torah
9:00 AM Chag Service [Kohn Chapel]
5:45 PM Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat [Kohn Chapel]