Do you feel helpless? Every day we are barraged with a disregard for life, a reckless destruction of humanity. Why are human beings so egotistical to determine when and where life should cease? No human being should fear another; God should be the only determinant of when life begins and when life ends.
Psalm 121 reads, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills; from where does help come? Help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” A raw, anguished cry for help, the Psalmist searches for answers from heaven above. Today, our voices echo the Psalmist. We are crying for help and desperately searching for answers from heaven above. I know the answers seem whispered, but if we quell the words of hate, the looks of distrust, the seemingly innocent jabs and jokes at other ethnicities, races, and religions, perhaps God’s response will be heard. Our children overhear our conversations and model our behavior. God’s hand in this world begins with our own.
In response to his time spent marching for civil rights, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel said, “I prayed with my feet.” We are not helpless. God’s response to humanity’s inhumanity is clear: Pray with your feet.
So we will pray. And we will join hand in hand. Join us as we come together with our Los Angeles faith community—in prayer and dialogue on THURSDAY EVENING, 8:00pm, at SINAI TEMPLE. As I receive more details, I will forward to my Facebook community.