
A Bisl Torah

Hope Revealed

I officiated at a funeral of a woman that reminded me of an important lesson. Perhaps, the most important life lesson: To fully embrace each moment we have in this world.

At the age of 45, she was diagnosed with cancer and was told she would have 3-6 months left to live. Instead of accepting her fate, she searched for other opinions. One doctor told her, “If you’re willing to fight, I’ll fight with you.” Hope revealed.

She lived another 27 years. A true medical miracle. Savoring time with her children and grandchildren, thrilled to be present at graduations, weddings, births, and b’nai mitzvah. Fueled by hope and love, she willed herself to continue forward. Choosing to show up, being available, offering an ear, and giving an open heart, she treated each day like a precious gift.

Often, the world feels dark and filled with despair. For many, it is hard to get out of bed to face what the day will bring. And while we are experiencing fear, worry, and grief, this woman’s life message should exist close within reach. Something we hold onto when we wonder how to cope.

As Devarim implores, “I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse—therefore, choose life!”

With just a spark of hope and ounce of love, life is meant to be lived. Even as this woman physically left this earth, her message was clear: If given the chance, choose life.

Over and over again.

Shabbat Shalom

In partnership with The Jewish Journal, you can also find Rabbi Guzik’s blog post HERE.

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