Recently, my husband and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary. A few days prior, we went on a family walk. I suggested we walk to Walgreens. My husband immediately agreed. We looked at each other and both sheepishly smiled. I confessed, “You need to buy your anniversary card, too?” He replied, “Absolutely.” As we walked together and laughed at the idea that we were buying each other’s cards at the same time, we both admitted that the card was redundant to the experience. Written expressions of love are good reminders, but carving out time to walk with those we love is priceless.
Everyone is listing their new year’s resolutions. Ways they will exercise, instruments we want to play, languages we hope to learn. But the Jewish calendar is constructed in a way that honors the most essential resolutions: to appreciate God’s beauty in this world, celebrate life, mourn, and grieve death, and observe the sanctity of time. Time with family, friends, and community to learn, connect and grow with each other. Time to walk with those we love.
If you are looking for ways to open your heart and widen your soul, immerse yourself in Jewish resolutions. Come to synagogue. Observe Shabbat. Take a class. Look at the Jewish calendar and find lessons that bring meaning and purpose to one’s life. Take God’s precious gift of time to be a blessing to the world.
May 2024 bring us a year in which we walk together. A year of good health, joy, and appreciating God’s glorious world.
Shabbat Shalom
In partnership with The Jewish Journal, you can also find Rabbi Guzik’s blog post HERE.