
A Bisl Torah

A Prayer, Cup of Coffee and a Shower

Last week, my husband and I asked my 26 year old brother to help us babysit our children. Specifically, we needed him to help us early Friday morning, so he slept over the night before.

Now, remember, we have a 4 year old, almost 3 year old and 8 month old. In discussing what kind of help we would need the next morning, my brother looked at Erez and myself and said, “So what time should I set my alarm?”

Erez and I looked at each other and just started laughing. In the last five years, we have never set a separate morning alarm. We have the three best alarm clocks around—their names being Annie, Zachary and Henry.

Yet, although we are startled and woken up by very loud children, I can’t help but wonder what it takes in this world to ensure that every day, we are awake, present and ready to face the world.

Most people have a morning ritual. Coffee and a shower rank in my top two activities of the day. I need both to physically muster the energy to start the morning. Spiritually and emotionally, I need something else. Something that takes more effort than pushing start on my Keurig. Usually while still cuddling my eight month old in bed, I whisper the words, “Modeh Ani Lifanecha.” And in my very liberal translation, I continue with, “God, thank you.”

Even if I slept four hours the night before. Even if an email from someone set me off in a frenzy. Even if there is nothing planned for lunch or dinner and I am mentally plugging in when I will get to the store. If I start my day with a thank you to our Creator, my day has changed. I am ready to face the challenges of the world because I have recognized the blessings that are right before me.

A prayer to God, cup of coffee and a shower (in that exact order.) What a beautiful way to wake up and start the day.

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