
Lay Leadership

Susan Lopez-Giss

Susan Lopez-Giss

Susan Lopez-Giss grew up in Sinai Temple, it is in her DNA. Her grandparents Esther and Pincus Lampart, of blessed memory, joined Sinai when it was at 4th and New Hampshire. Her late Mother, Doris Siegel, was the first  Bat Mitzvah at Sinai as well as the first women President. Susan was here when the Temple opened its doors on Wilshire Boulevard, and was confirmed at this Temple. Her three children were named here. Her daughter Melissa Vantrease and her husband, Scott, and three children Austin, Dale and Cayla are members. 

Susan served 30 years as a Deputy and then Assistant City Attorney for the City of Los Angeles, and then 15 years as a Los Angeles Superior Court Judge. Susan served on the Cantorial Search, Dinner Dance and Legal Committee. Susan and her husband Judge Harvey Giss (Ret) are committed to Sinai Temple. They want to help as the Temple moves forward with a new Rabbinate to build bridges between our diverse and talented membership in order to be a place that welcomes future generations of many to a place of acceptance and spirituality.