
Honorable Mensch-ion

The Spiritual Architect

Betsalel is the architect of the mishkan, the Tabernacle. Yet, what was unique about Betsalel is not how he built the structure, but rather, how the structure was built.

Ramban explains that everything was done through him.

This subtle difference brings a spiritual dimension into building the physical tabernacle.

We all can acknowledge moments where we meet someone who exhibits a divine spark, and by meeting them, we become better people.

This past week, Sinai Temple was blessed to host the Israel ParaSport Center.
The team, originally scheduled for an international competition in Turkey, is now traveling in the United States for exhibitions because of security concerns.

It only takes a moment in meeting the Para-athletes to understand the inspiration that we can gain from them. Hakim, a young Muslim man from outside of Tel Aviv, born with Spina Bifida, spends hours training and working on his game. Arthur, originally from Russia, suffered a spinal cord injury at age six, made Aliyah with his family, and found wheelchair basketball as an outlet to achieve his dreams. Tal, the youngest member of the team at 17, was born with Cerebral Palsy, but as he told me, “When I go into a gym and see professional wheelchair basketball players, I realize I am living out my dream, and there are no limits.”

In a world that is fraught with division, in a world where Israel is constantly trying to be brought down in the media, in the campus, and in our work spaces, here was a moment where I met the modern Betsalel. Yes, he was the architect of the Tabernacle, But the Tabernacle is the architect of our spirituality. What happened there emanated out into the world.

Tal, Arthur, and Hakim, through passing a ball to each other, are the model of the best that Israel has to offer.

I watched as our middle school students in Sinai Akiba Academy and Sinai Temple Religious School met these heroes; young people that wake up with a purpose each day, to play a game, to build bridges, and to create a sanctuary that all seek.

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