During the High Holy Days, one of the prayers we chant is the “Sh’ma Koleinu”: Hear Our Voice. In this prayer, there is a line which begins “Al tashlicheinu l’eit ziknah”; do not cast off your old. For the last couple of months, I have been working on transitioning my parents in to assisted living. While I do this work with love and care, I can’t help but have compassion for others in the new community my parents are now living in. On any given day when I am there, I go out of my way to do something helpful for one of the other residents. At Sinai Temple, we have many events to celebrate our seniors including two events that students are very involved with; the Holocaust Survivors Brunch, and Grandparents Shabbat. Remember that you can make a big difference in someone’s day by a small act of kindness.