Shalom, my name is Chloe Levian and I am a second-grade teacher and this is my third year officially working for Sinai Temple Religious School! The day that stands out to me is October 12, 2013 (8 Cheshvan 5774) which is the day that I had my Bat Mitzvah at Sinai Temple. Not only does this date signify the end of my days as a student at Sinai Temple Religious School but it also symbolizes the beginning of my involvement in Sinai Temple Teen Center, Chai School, Nazarian Israel fellowship and later on teaching as a morah at Sinai Temple Religious School! I am so grateful to be back with my Sinai Temple Religious School family, and I look forward to seeing my students continue their involvement in Sinai Temple post Bar/ Bat mitzvah. Being involved in the Sinai Temple Teen Center lead me to be involved during my college career. Currently, I am on the board of Students Supporting Israel, I am a StandWithUs Emerson Campus Fellow, and an intern at the Museum of Tolerance.