Tziporah Mendelsohn
My name is Tziporah Mendelsohn and this is my first year at Sina
|i Temple. I am very excited to be co-teaching the kindergarten class this year. After my bat mitzvah I worked as a teacher’s assistant for the next 7 years and I never thought in a million years I would end up being a teacher. That all changed in the year 2017 (Hebrew year 5778) when I realized that I had not been to shul in over a year! I signed up for a trip to Israel and got a job at the local synagogue. I quickly fell in love with my job and decided to pursue a career in Jewish education. I have worked as a Jewish camp counselor, a Jewish preschool assistant, at Jewish after school programs, and at Jewish day schools. Since 2015 (Hebrew year 5776) I have been to Israel 4 times for both study experiences and to explore the country. The year 5778 started my new Jewish journey and I am excited for the experiences 5780 will throw my way.