This is to inform you that the yahrzeit of %%DECEASED_NAME%% will begin the evening of %%GREGORIAN_DATE%%. The Hebrew yahrzeit date is %%HEBREW_DATE%%.
In honor of this date, the Mourners’ Kaddish may be recited by members of your family at Sinai Temple’s daily minyan service on the evening and morning of yahrzeit. The name of your loved one will be commemorated at the Shabbat service that falls on or immediately preceding the day of yahrzeit. Please note that service times are as follows:
- 7:30 a.m. Monday-Friday
- 8:30 a.m. Sunday & National Holidays
- 5:45 p.m. Sunday-Friday
- 9:00 a.m. Saturday Morning Shabbat
- 9:00 p.m. Saturday Maariv & Havdalah – remote only
We recommend checking the minyan page for the most up-to-date timing and holiday changes.
We encourage you to join us for our live services, according to the schedule found here. All of our services are currently accessible online via our YouTube channel. Some of our services may allow for in-person participation. Please click here for more information.
If the above mentioned yahrzeit date falls on a Holy Day, please contact Sinai Temple to confirm service times. You can also explore our online calendar. We do ask that you please refer to the note below regarding Sinai Temple’s Aliyah Policy for more information about what occurs on these meaningful dates.
Jewish tradition provides us with three tools to commemorate a yahrzeit: lighting a 24-hour candle, attending services with the recitation of the Mourners’ Kaddish, and tzedakah, charity. Together, these three rituals honor the life and legacy of a loved one. To make a donation in memory of a loved one, please click HERE.
To view a list of weekly yahrzeits, click HERE.
For more information or questions about yahrzeit ritual and process, please contact Ritual Director, Jay Harwitt, at [email protected] or (310) 481-3201.
May the memory of your loved one be a blessing, and we hope to see you at Sinai.
The Sinai Temple Clergy
Sinai Temple Yahrzeit Aliyah Policy
To honor the memory of a loved one, Kaddish is recited on the specific date noted above, starting with Maariv that evening, Shacharit the following morning and again at Mincha. Saturday mornings, the names of the coming week’s yahrzeits are read from the bimah. Families with B’nei Mitzvah have prescheduled precedence for aliyot on Shabbat morning. We try to accommodate midweek observances at our Monday and Thursday minyanim. Please contact the Ritual Director to be placed on the waiting list for Saturday, when available.