
Posts by Sinai Temple


Shervin Behnam

Shervin Behnam has been a member of Sinai Temple since 2007 and has served on its Board of Directors since 2010. Shervin serves on the Contract and Legal Committees. He also served as President of the Sinai Temple Men’s Club from 2012 to 2014.

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Elie Alyeshmerni

Elie Alyeshmerni, born Mansoor Alyeshmerni in Shiraz, has lived in Los Angeles since 1999. Elie, the middle child of eleven children, came to Minneapolis at the age of 14 in 1957, with the intention of returning to Iran following his education. However, life in America became very appealing, as returning to Iran grew unappealing. His last visit to Iran was in 1961. After retiring from teaching at the University of Minnesota and Carleton College, he moved to Los Angeles. He served as President of the Sinai Temple Men’s Club from July 1, 2010 through June 2012. He has been on…

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Joel Weinstein

Joel Weinstein and his wife Deborah have been members of Sinai Temple since 1985. Their sons Perry and Adam graduated from Sinai Akiba Academy.  Joel is a partner at the law firm of Greenberg Glusker, with an emphasis on mergers and acquisitions, financing and serving as outside general counsel. Joel is the Immediate Past President of the Temple.

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Robert E. Strauss

Robert E. Strauss has been married to Leigh Strauss since 1993.  They joined Sinai Temple in 1999 and have two sons, Aaron and David, both of whom attended Sinai Akiba Academy.  Leigh and Robert were both active with Sinai Akiba Academy before he became involved with the Sinai Temple Board.  Robert has been a Board member since 2010 and has served as Vice President of Development and Vice President of Finance.  They are deeply committed to our wonderful community. Robert is a partner at Weinstock Manion, a Century City law firm specializing in estate planning.

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Mehrzad Roshan

Mehrzad Roshan and her husband Mansoor z’l  joined Sinai Temple in 1986. Their three children, Negeen, Parisa and Matin, attended Sinai Akiba Academy and became B’nai Mitzvah at Sinai Temple. Their three grandchildren attended Douglas Family Early Childhood Center and are enrolled in the Religious School. Mehrzad has been an active leader of the Temple since 1997 and has been involved in many committees. Currently she serves as the Vice President of Membership, Co-Chair of the Barad Hall Committee and is an active member of the Budget, Ritual and Contract committees. Outside of Sinai Temple, she is founder of Arte Botanica, a…

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M. Milo Mandel

M. Milo Mandel joined Sinai in 1965. He became active on a number of committees primarily involved with synagogue governance eventuating in his election as president from 1985 to 1987. He Chaired the Cemetery Management Committee from 2002 to the end of fiscal 2016 and remains involved there as Chairman Emeritus well as at the Temple, most recently as General Counsel and Corporate Secretary.

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Angela Maddahi

Angela and Jamshid have been members of Sinai Temple since they were married here in 1981. They have three children, who all attended Sinai Akiba Academy. Angela was first active in the SAA PTA when the children were in elementary school and then became active on the SAA board. Angela has been active on the Temple board since the late 1990s. She has acted as Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, VP of Administration, VP of Education, and most recently as President from 2017-2019. She has been active on numerous other committees throughout the years. Angela has extensive experience in medical office management…

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Cary Lerman

Cary Lerman and his wife, Hallie, have been members of Sinai since 1977, and their daughters went to SAA. Cary has been on the Board of Directors for eight years, and has just completed six consecutive years on the Executive Committee, serving first as Assistant Secretary, followed by Vice-President of Finance and, most recently, Vice-President of Education. He is currently Chair of the By-Laws Committee, and also serves on the Contracts, Budget, Insurance and Facilities committees of the Board of Directors. He is also on the SAA Search Committee for a new, permanent head of school. Previously, he served as…

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Joseph Gabbaian

Sinai Temple has been like a second home to Joseph and his family for over 20 years. Joseph became involved in lay leadership at Sinai Temple as a member of the Executive Committee of Sinai Temple Men’s Club, and from 2004 through 2006 he served as President of the Men’s Club, which entitled him to a seat on the temple’s Board of Directors. The next year Joseph was elected to the board directly, and since then he has been an active member of the board and has served on several committees, including Budget, Membership, Contracts, House and Grounds, Properties, Land…

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Jamie Berman

Jamie Berman and her husband Joel have been members of Sinai Temple since 1995. For years Jamie was active at Sinai Akiba Academy, including being on its board and other committees and chair of the SAA development committee. In addition to serving on the Temple Board and numerous Board committees, Jamie has been Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Programming and Social Action, and chair of catering, nominating, and dinner dance committees. Jamie has also served as board member and vice president of the Pacific Southwest Region of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Jamie holds BA and MBA degrees….

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