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Miketz : The Difference in Being Different

Keywords: Antiochus, Babylonian, battle, better, chosen, Goshen, Greco-Syrian, Hanukkah, Helenist, kodesh, Maccabean, military, miracle, Olympus, Pesach, presents, priests, Roman. superior. victory, Zion



Beshalach : Looking Back

Keywords: Amos Funkenstein, anger, courage, ego, empathy, energy, fence, focus, impatience, Mark Twain, Mel Brooks, memory, moment, moods, mouse, patience, peace, perfection, Persian weddings, procrastination, sundials, Tom Sawyer, trait, wisdom


Ki Teitzei : Torah Lessons from 9/11

Keywords: 9-11, Brian Sweeney , C.C. Lyles, Civil War, coffin, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Gershwin, Jerusalem, Judah Maccabee, Mark Bingham, Mel Gibson, Melissa Herrington, mountains, New York, Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai, Revolutionary War, terror, Tom Burnett, tragedy, twin towers, Vespasian, Walter Hines, Yavneh


Re’eh : What is Conservative Judaism?

Keywords: Akiva, Albert Einstein, Aristotle, Biblica Hebrea Stuttgart, caterpillar, Conservative Judaism, Dead Sea Scrolls, definition, history, identity, Isaiah, Lee Levine, Maimonides, mind, Oral Roberts, Roche, self, slavery, Solomon Schechter, Theodor Herzl, Torah Code





Masei : Young Rabbis and Israel: A Different Perspective

Keywords: Anti-Defamation League, criticism, critique, Daniel Gordis, free, Gilad Shalit, Hannah Senish, Hillel, Israel, Keneset, peace, politics, Rabbinical school, school, tallit, Theodor Herzl, Yoni Netanyahu, young rabbis

Pesach I : Brokenness

Keywords: acceptance, basketball, broken, brokenness, Hal Greer, hide, hiding, honesty, Irving Kosloff, Jim Boughton, love, lucky, Oscar Robertson, parents, perfection, Philidelphia 76ers, redemption, secrets, shame, truth, Willis Reed, Wilt Chamberlain


Tzav : No sermon will be posted for this day
Sisterhood Shabbaton



Beshalach: Have A Little Faith in Haiti

Keywords: Boston, children, Christian, Detroit, Dona,earthquake, goodness, Haiti, Julia, Junior, kippah, Lewinsky LaFleur, lunch, Martin Luther King, Mitch Albom, orphanage, Port Au Prince, Rabbi Yisroel Salanter, save, Theodore Bikel

Vaera – Israel: Where Leaders Become Heroes and Heroes Make Leaders

Keywords: 1944, 1952, 2002, coffee, David Ben-Gurion, Hadera, hero, Israel, JJ Jonah, kibbutz, leader, Matan Dahan , Nazarian, Nazis, Negev, newspaper, Red Cross, role model, Starbucks, students, Terezin Ghetto, Uganda, Yoni Netanyahu, Zionism