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Vayshev : What Makes a Prison?

Keywords: Alexandre Dumas, Anne Frank, Chanukah, Chanukia, coat, Count of Monte Cristo, dreamer, dreams, freedom, Joseph, Lompoc, Natan Sharansky, philosophy, prison, Rachael, Reb Aryeh Levin, resources, Three Musketeers, tunic, Tzadik of Jerusalem, Wystan Hugh Auden

Vayishlach : Agenbite of Inwit

Keywords: Abraham, afraid, Agenbite Of Inwit, AJWS, American Jewish World Service, Ayenbite Of Inwyt, compass, compassion, compassionate, confess, conscience, distressed, Jacob, James Joyce, Leopold Bloom, Moses, Nuremberg, obedience, Rabbi Schulweis, rebellion, Red Cross, suffering, Thailand, Ulysses


Toldot : Israel, Gaza, and the Deep Threats to Peace

Keywords: America, birthright, children, Egypt, Esau , Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Iron Dome System, Israel, Jacob, Libya, Middle East, military, mirrors, occupier, Palestinians, remission, Syria, teacher, Tel Aviv, tragedy, war



Kol Nidre : The Essentials of Judaism

Keywords: alone, Bathsheba, book, books, Chofetz Chaim, chuva, commandment, David, Derek Parfit, forget, ham sandwich, Irving, jokes, Judaism, learning, Magheed, messiah, miracles, Nathan, prophet, Rabbi Schwadron, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan, Radun, repentance, soccer, Solomon, Soviet Union, Spain, study, Uriah, Yoav

Ki Tavo : Two Types of Repentance

Keywords: anger, art, cellphone, change, cheat, child abuse, chuva, disapproval, driving, fast, forge, museum, Rabbi Bunim of Peshischa, rationalization, repentant, selfishness, shabbot shuvah, sin, sinner, texting, therapy, t'shuvah, worry, Yom Kippur

First Day of Rosh Hashanah : The Most Important Question in the World Today

Keywords: Alain Finkielkraut, Amos Oz, Armand Hammer Museum, Auschwitz, Bhagavad Gita, Bill Keller, Canada, children, counselor, drugs, Fania Oz-Salzberger, gift, hate, Hezbollah, Hiroshima, holocost, Iran, Iranian, Israel, Jews And Words, Joe Klein, Joseph Soloveitchik , Khomeini, last sermon, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Mohammad-Reza Rahimi, New York Times, nuclear bomb, pension, reporter, Robert Oppenheimer, Roya Hakakian, ermon, words, Yom Kippur War





Kedoshim: The Spaces Between Us

Keywords: angel, Arthur Schopenhauer, boy gets girl, boy loses girl, boy meets girl, clinging, closeness, clouds, holiness, Jacob, Joseph Epstein, kadosh, Khalil Gibran, marriage, Martin Buber, peace of mind, sanctity, screenplays, separate, separateness, shabbat, silver lining, struggle, strugglists, togetherness, wedding


Tazria: Outsides and Insides: What We Show and Who We Are

Keywords: beautiful, beauty, give, goodness,gossip,inspriation,leprosy, lesions, Mark Twain, Michael Sandel, Nietzsche, obligation, poetry, responsibility, rich, skin disease, skybox, society, software, success, successful, ugliness, virtue

Schmini: The Jewish People – From Death to Life

Keywords: Auschwitz, Azure Baijan , balding, book, cartidges, Catholic, cemetaries, concentration camp, Father Patrick Desbois, genocide, Germans, ghetto, graves, great man, heavy, heritige, Holocost By Bullets, mass grave, metal detector, Nazi, Shoah, short


Tetzaveh : Saving the State of Israel

Keywords: 1903, 1905, AIPAC, Amir Gilboa, blood libel, broom, Chaim Wiesman, hatred, Israel, Joseph Chamberlain, kibbutz, Kishinev, Klenov, Max Webb, New York Times, Purim, Shabbat Zahor Shmoil, sticks and stones, tank, Theodor Herzl, Uganda, Yossi, Zionist Congress


Mishpatim : Thought Versus Action

Keywords: action, Akiva, behavior, cruelty, dinner, distance, emotion, english, hand, heart, Larry Summers, law, legend, love, math, polarization, relationship, story, Tarfon, Valentine's Day
