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Archives 2025 Archives 2024 Archives 2023 Archives 2022 Archives 2021 Archives 2020 Archives 2019 Archives 2018 Archives 2017 Archives 2016 Archives 2015 Archives 2014 Archives 2013 Archives 2012 Archives 2011 Archives 2010 Archives 2009 Archives 2008 Archives 2007 Archives 2006 Archives 2005 Archives 2004 Archives Vaera : The Wisdom Of The Line And The Circle December 28, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Zvi Dershowitz
Keywords : bank, brit milah, Canaan, car, change, chicken, Christmas, David, dinner, freedom, interest, Jacob, kosher, milk, Nebuchadnezzar, new, New Year, old, pagan, parve, polygamy, Rabbenu Gershom, Rhine river, Rosh Chodesh Sh'vat, slavery, Solomon, time, wishes, wives
Shemot : Boycotts, Israel, and Aftermath December 21, 2013
Keywords : Aftermath, AIPAC, American Studies Association, anti-Semitism, Austria, boycott, Brandeis University, Clarence Darrow, Dina Kadisha Aspen, distinctions, evolution, Fred Lawrence, Fredric March, history, Inherit The Wind, Iran, Japan, Matthew Harrison Brady, movies, Penn State Harrisburg, Poland, Poles, tevah, The Revival Of Jewish Poland, totalizing, William Jennings Bryan, Yann Gross
Vayechi : How We Bless Our Children December 14, 2013
Keywords : achievement, autumn, Byrds, circle, Cohelet, darkness, dreams, failure, fall, goals, heartbreak, line, peace, seasons, Solomon, spring, suffering, summer, winter
Vayigash: Tradition and Inheritance December 7, 2013
Keywords : Beverly Hills, blessing, books, brother, children, classes, education, generation, Golda Mendelson, kabbalah, learn, library, masoret, outgrow, parents, school, Sinai Akiba, taller, teachers
Vayeshev : Israel and Iran: Hanukkah and Purim November 30, 2013
Keywords : 1948, cable, dangerous, Esther, FaceBook, fast, France, Hanukkah, Iran, Israel, Maccabees, news, North Korea, opinion, politics, power, powerless, Purim, slavery, social media, speak, talk show, threat, United States,word fast
Miketz : How Joseph Survived November 23, 2013
Keywords : bow, bowing, compassion, Cyril Connolly, dreams, Emmanuel Levinas, empathy, egotistical, faith, gifted, handsome, humility, insensitive, jail, Joseph, Potiphar, prison, prisoner, promising, slavery, teenager, vain
Vayishlach: Why Keep Kosher? November 16, 2013
Keywords : animals, archaeological, death, eat, entitlement, every day, fish, food, fork, gratitude, health, hybrids, hypocrite, imperfect, Jacob, kashrut, King Henry II, knife, kosher, limp, meal, meat, Philistine, pig bones, principle, restaurant, shrimp, slaughter, spirit, sausage, talk, Thomas Becket, waffles
Vayetzei : Achieving Multiple Personalities November 9, 2013
Keywords : back, Borges, definitions, Dickens, Dostoyevsky, dream, highest self, instincts, Jacob, Leah, Lorenz, many, many selves, me, multiple selves, myself, Naruda, poems, Quartet, Rachael, Somerset Maugham, twin, Whitman
Toldot : How to Deserve a Blessing November 2, 2013
Keywords : Abraham, blessing, Carl Reiner, egg, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, idols, Isaac, Jacob, Mel Brooks, nose, parent, potential, shower, Terach, time, Whitehead
Chayei Sara: What Makes a Life? October 26, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Abraham, angels, bromide, change, contradictory, convert, Dr. Phil, grandchildren, Hagar, Haran, Isaac, journey, Life Of Sarah, mistakes, Oprah, proverb, Sarah, Tzadik, values, wisdom, Yshmael
Chayei Sara: What Makes a Life? October 26, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Abraham, angels, bromide, change, contradictory, convert, Dr. Phil, grandchildren, Hagar, Haran, Isaac, journey, Life Of Sarah, mistakes, Oprah, proverb, Sarah, Tzadik, values, wisdom, Yshmael
Vayera: Mitzvot Thai Style October 19, 2013
Keywords : Abraham, AJWS, American Jewish World Service, Angela Maddahi, Bangkok, beauty, Buddha, Buddhism, Burma, Cambodia, challah, charity, child slavery, city, dreams, Facebook, Ghana, graciousness, Hong Kong, human rights, Joseph, land rights, literacy, Liberia, Muslim, NGO, Nigeria, poor, poverty, Ruth Messinger, Sodom, statues, Sudan, Thailand, travel, Twitter, village, war widows, wealth
Lech Lecha: Masked and Unmasked October 12, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Abraham, broken, Canaan, Egypt, famine, Hagar, mask, masks, October, Pharaoh, plague, Purim, Rabbi Jack Riemer, Sarah, sister, weak, wife, Yom Kippur
Noach: Majesty and Humility October 5, 2013
Keywords : abjection, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Adam, ashes, Avrum Burg, brain, darkness, death, Dr. Neil Martin, dust, ego, Eliezer Slomovic, fire, frame, German, hubris, humiliation, humility, image, limits, majesty, Mark Twain, memory, Moses, neurosurgery, Noah, once again, polarity, Rabbinical school, Tower Of Babel, UCLA
Bereshit: From the Garden of Eden to the Land of Israel September 28, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : Anton Chekhov, beast, beginning, Beverly, birth, Bloomingdale's, city, Coldwater, death, dream, Eden, editors, end, ending, flowers, GPS, gun, ideas, Israel, kings, mall, map, Nordstrom, nothing, orange, outline, perfect, person, prejudice, prohibition, steady-state, stories, story, study, tapeworms, tree, unformed, vanity
Sukkot III : Much is Taken, Much Abides September 21, 2013
Keywords : autum, business, Damon Runyon, dying, enjoy, eternity, faith, fall, family, futile, kohelet, mutability, sukkah, sukkot, time of our joy, useless, wisdom
Sukkot I : Three Observations About Sukkot September 19, 2013
Keywords : agility, courtesy, crops, darshan, elephant, hoshanot, Jack Reamer, lulav, observations, playfulness, religious lawyers, skill, soil, stars, sukkha, sukkot, YouTube
Yom Kippur : Return to Life September 14, 2013
Keywords : ape, Baal Shem Tov, bars, cage, captive, change, Chasidism, children, cold, crystal geyser, destiny, electric blanket, garbage man, girlfriend, Hatufim, Hayim Bialik, Henry David Thoreau, Homeland, Jericho, Joshua, Louis Zamperini, Maggid of Mezritch, magic, naive, parents, piano, pizza, POWs, raft, room, sanitation, shofar, Virginia Wolf, Vladimir Nabokov, Walden, walls
Kol Nidre : Closeness and Distance September 13, 2013
Keywords : Anne Lamott, Arthur Schopenhauer, Barbara Myerhoff, bird by bird, closeness, community, controversy, distance, facebook, firing squad, Freud, give, Hillel, Isaac Leib Peretz, Jan Zakowski, joke, korban, Litvak, love, money, Number Our Days, phones, porcupines, poverty, power, repentance, return, sacrifice, so much, Thailand, t'shuvah, twitter, Yom Kippur War
Ha’Azinu : Sin and Repentance September 7, 2013
Keywords : change, choices, deeds, evil, het, interiority, korban, point of choice, prayer, Raish Lakish, repentance, return, sacrifice, shabbot shuvah, shuvah, sin, Socrates, t'filah, Theodor Herzl, t'shuvah, wrong
First Day of Rosh Hashanah : Jewish Love September 5, 2013
Keywords : Ahavat Yisrael, angel, anti-Sematism, Ba'al, Christian, covenant, destiny, Elijah, Europe, Golden Calf, Gwyneth Paltrow, history, Jezebel, Jonathan Saxe, Joseph Epstein, Joseph Telushkin, Louvre, Maurice Samuel, megachurch, Michelle Garfinkel, Moses, museum, Paris, persecution, Rick Warren, Ron Wolfson, sabbatocal, security, Soviet Union, Versailles
Erev Rosh Hashanah : Pushing the Limits September 4, 2013
Keywords : alcoholic, awareness, Boaz, boys, catastrophes, choice, choices, courage, Eliyahu Dessler, Esther, Esther, faith, girl, illness, Job, loss, Michtav me-Eliyahu, moral, Mordechai, Moses, Moshe, mother, Musar literature, narrow, narrowness, nikud taba hirah, passion, point of choice, repentance, rote, Ruth, Sherwood Anderson, sin, trust
Nitzavim-Vayeilech : Moses’ Management Plan August 31, 2013
Keywords : Aaron, Acadian, AJU, Ancient Greek, budget, corrections, death, God's Love, Good To Great, Jim Collins, King Saul, leader, manage, management, Midian, Moses, people, rabbi, Samson, Saul Lieberman, secrets, spies, Tablet magazine
Ki Tavo: Should I Study Or Get A Job? August 24, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Berlitz, Camelot, car, comfortable, education, exercise, FaceBook, Game Of Thrones, Harry Potter, Herbrew, Italian, job, joke, King Arthur, learn, learning, make a living, Merlin, Rabbi Ishmael, Rabbi Simeon bar Yochai, social media, study, Terence Hanbury White, The Once And Future King, tweet, twitter, work
Ki Teitzei: Amalek,Then and Now August 17, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : AIPAC, Amalekm, anti-Semites, anti-Semitism, Arab, authority, Balfour Declaration, Charles Krauthammer, Egypt, Einstein, internet, Iran, iron wall, Jordan, Joseph Lieberman, Leon Wieseltier, Levi Yitzchok Berditchev, Michael Oren, military, nuclear bomb, rejection, sitting, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Washington, Yossi Klein Halevi
Shoftim: Are You Ready? August 10, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : apples, confession, cringe, dean, Elul, failed, graduate, hearts, holidays, honey, Kotzker Rebbe, Musar movement, pain, pray, preparation, prepare, Psalm 27, Rabbi Andrea Weiss, Rabbi Israel Salanter, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, ready, Rosh Hashanah, secret, shofar, silent, silent scream, sorrow, Yom Kippur
Re’eh : Conservative Judaism: God August 3, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Abraham Joshua Heschel, action, AJU, aleph, amazement, community, dialog, encounter, existentialist, expression, Franz Rosenzweig, God, habit, Isaiah, language, Martin Buber, Matrix, Milton Steinberg, moment, Mordecai Kaplan, movies, philosophy, sacred, soul, special effects, tefillin, wonder
Eikev : Conservative Judaism: The Torah July 27, 2013
Keywords : Akiva, angels, Aramaic, astrology, Canaanite, Christian, conservative, controversy, dialog, dignity, dinosaurs, Egypt, faith, Farber, fear, history, humility, Isaiah, justice, ketubah, kippah, Korach, language, Louis Finkelstein, love, Maimonides, mercy, Micha, orthodox, Rabbeinu Gershom, Rashi, revelation, rules, scholarship, Shakespeare, slaves, stoning, tablets, takkanah, task, women
Vaetchanan : Conservative Judaism: The People Israel July 20, 2013
Keywords : conservative, David Ben-Gurion, Einstein, federation, fish, history, Moses, organic, people, pluralism, Rabbi Akiva, Rav Cook, Solomon Schechter, Theodor Herzl, tolerance, water, Zionistic
Devarim : The Meaning Of Memory July 13, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : blessing, change, fasting, history, In Search Of Lost Time, loss, love, Marcel Proust, memory, Mishna, mourning, pain, past, remember, Remembrance Of Things Past, restoration, Talmud, teacher, Temple, Terence Kilmartin, Tisha B'Av, tragedy, weeping
Matot-Masei: Disappointing Those We Look Up To July 6, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : cities, disappoint, emotional, Gad, Jordan, leader, Moses, Reuben, shepherds, spies, tirade, trust, wisdom
The Boys and Girls of Summer June 29, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Asahel, Avner, baseball, bodiless, body, Boys Of Summer, Essau, Hillel, unting, integrity, jumping, learn, Leon Pinsker, Maccabiah, Mark Spitz, mind, Nat Holman, Olympics, physicality, Pinchas, resurrection, running, Sandy Koufax, Sid Luckman, spear, sports, study, tennis, Yechezkel Landau
Balak: Jewish (dis)Unity June 22, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : argument, Balaam, brothers, disagreement, diversity, fight, harmony, Joseph Telushkin, kotel, late, Natan Sharansky, Robinson's Arch, Soviet Jewery, tents, villain, Women Of The Wall
Chukat: Tales From Our Fathers June 15, 2013
Keywords : Baal, baby. children, covenant, cry, Elijah, Eliyahu, family, father, havdalah, Jezebel, kotel, Malachi, mashiach, neila, parents, Pesach, promise, resurrection, shabbot, six day war, teku, Yom Kippur
Korach: A Rose Within the Thorns June 8, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : Erez, bravery, Carol Way, closure, comfort, courage, curveball, curvy, dinner, Golden Calf, goodbye, grandparents, hide-and-seek, home, house, jagged, Korach, memories, Moses, oak, rose, spies, storm, Syracuse, tears, thistles, thornbush, thorns, tree
Sh’lach: Sins of Weakness and Sins of Strength June 1, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : adulterym, Bathsheba, blind, blindfold, bully, crimes, David, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Doeg, fearful, giants, grasshoppers, justice, Kalev, Korach, moral, Moses, Natan Sharansky, Saul, sin, spies, strength, tyrant, weakness, Yehoshua
Beha’alotcha: The Torah We Never Learned May 25, 2013
Keywords : Bathsheba, blessed, blessedness, book, David, Goliath, grateful, gratitude, Hyde Park, jail, Joshua, Kings, Korach, leadership, London, mashiach, Memorial Day, messiah, Moses, pacifist, Proverbs, sabbatical, Samson, Samuel, soapbox, tanach
Nasso: The Green Eyed Monster May 18, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : adulteress, alter, blessing, curse, dirt, drink, elevator, green-eyed monster, guilty, hair, humiliation, husband, jealousy, offering, oil, pagan, peace, priest, proof, sacrifice, Shakespeare, sotah, surface, suspicion, tabernacle, trust, water, wife, witnesses
Emor: I Don’t Know April 27, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : barley harvest, counting, Egypt, I don't know, I know, Iraq, Omer, Rabbi Shulman, relationship, responsibility, sanctify, scribal errors, Sinai, Talmud
Achrei Mot-Kedoshim: You Shall Be Holy! April 20, 2013
Keywords : bombing, oston, chant, cheerleader, daughter, deference, fear, Hillel, holiness, holy, honor, innocence, kedoshim tihiyu, rise, terror, terrorist, war, youth
Tazria-Metzora: Having it All April 13, 2013
Drash: Note: there is no study source (drash) for this weekend, because it was the Sisterhood Shabbaton
Keywords : couch, family, happiness, have it all, home, Lamentations, Lean In, mother, profession, Rabbi Abahu, Rabbi Rachel Ain, Rabbi Yochanan, Sheryl Sandberg, successful, warm water, wife
Schmini: What Makes Something Kosher? April 6, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Aaron, Abihu, bugs, carful, corrupt, creepy-crawlies, detail, determination, Doheney Kosher Butcher, grudge, judgement, kashrut, kosher, meticulous, Nadab, pig, proud, Rabbi Isaac Luria, Rabbi Samuel Dresner, sacrifice, self-discipline, swine
V (CH”M): Men, What Are We Good For? March 30, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Ba'al, bhima, earthquake, egalitarianism, Elijah, faithful, fire, gelilah, hagbah, haggadah, justice, men, mighty, plagues, powerful, prophet, Sinai, strength, strong, tornado, women
Tzav: Pull Back, Move Forward March 23, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : advice, chametz, choice, competence, contraction, control, co-worker, Dr. Leonard Felder, Egypt, free, freedom, grudge, invisible, mashehu, Moses, Passover, pesach, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, slavery, suggestions, tzimtzum, withdrawal
Vayikra: You Want Me to Sacrifice What? March 16, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Abravanele, animals, butcher, idols, Leviticus, Maimonedes, meaning, Moses, obligation, order, physical, prayer, ritual, sacrifice, vaikra
Vayakhel-Pekudei: All My Jewish Ladies March 9, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : 1913, Anne Frank, Anne Landers, Annie, APAIC, Betty Fridan, bubbie, daughter, Emma Lazarus, Golda Mayer, hair, Jewish American Princess, Jewish ladies, Jewish women, jokes, mother, nails, Ruth Bater Ginsberg, sister, suffrage, Yael Arad, yenta
Tisa: Stand Up Or Sit Down March 2, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Aaron, AIPAC, amidah, basketball, B'nai Israel, Cole County, MO, Golden Calf, Golden God, gym, IDF Soldiers, Mitchell, Moses, San Diego State University, Sherriff Greg White, stand up, students, YouTube
Tetzaveh: Casting Our Lot of Joy February 23, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : celebrate, cookie, costumes, embrace, Esther, foe, friend, gifts, Haman, joy, Mordechai, party, Purim
Terumah: The Meaning of the Mishkan February 16, 2013
Keywords : architect, Avi Zimmerman, Ayalim, blueprints, build, building, create, creating, diaspora, Exodus, Gershon Hepner, Max Webb, Rav Kook, sabbatical, tabernacle, Wilshire Corridor, Winston Churchill
Mishpatim : The Magic of Paying Attention February 9, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : attention, blizzard, chuppah, definition, distractions, face-to-face, groceries, listen, love, Minneapolis, mother, New Jersey, Philadelphia, psalm, shoes, socks
Yitro : Standing Again at Sinai February 2, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : Aleph, apodictic, arguing, casuistic, change, changing, covenant, defiance, hiding, inquiry, Isaiah, Judith Plaskow, laws, once, silence, silences, Sinai, Stephen Sondheim, talking, tribal, Vladimir Nabokov, why, women
Beshalach : Tu B’Shvat and the Tree of Life January 26, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : aloneness, , ab, book, butter bread, buxar, carob, David Ben-Gurion, arden, Hayim Nahman Bialik , indoors, intellectual, Leon Pinsker, natural, natural world, nature, outside, poets, Psalms, school room, Spain, study hall, tree, tree, Tu Bishvat, Wine, Women, And Death, Zionism, Zionist
Bo : Plagues, Ancient and Modern January 19, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : achievement, ambition, America, Barry Bonds, Benjamin Franklin, Bush, cheating, children, ego, Egyptians, finance, guns, humility, individualism, justice, Kennedy, L.A. Times, Lance Armstrong, lawsuit, lie, mercy, music, Oprah Winfrey, plague, plagues, ruthless, schools, ociety, sports, touchdown, Tour de France
Vaera : Exodus and Revolution January 12, 2013
Keywords : candle, civil rights, dissatisfaction, Egypt, Exodus And Revolution, fight, freedom, history, hospital, Martin Luther King, Jr., Michael Walzer, NAACP, operations, Rabbi Harold Schulweis, Rabbi Yisroel Salanter, revolution, revolve, slavery, struggle, unhappiness, war
Friday Night Live: Burning the Candle January 11, 2013
Keywords : Buddha, Buddhism, Buddhist, candle, civil rights, darkness, dissatisfaction, dissatisfied, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Henri Matisse, hospital, Jacob, Nirvana, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Rabbi Harold Schulweis, satisfied. seeking. Shimon Peres, strive, struggle
Shemot : Why Did the Egyptians Hate the Jews? January 5, 2013
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : alarm clock, anti-Semitism, Brooklyn, Charleston, communication, conscience, Deborah Tannen, distrust, Egyptians, Exodus, genocide, hatred, Israelites, Joseph, judgment, Maurice Samuel, Pharaoh, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, Shakespeare, slavery, suspicion, Winter break