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Archives 2025 Archives 2024 Archives 2023 Archives 2022 Archives 2021 Archives 2020 Archives 2019 Archives 2018 Archives 2017 Archives 2016 Archives 2015 Archives 2014 Archives 2013 Archives 2012 Archives 2011 Archives 2010 Archives 2009 Archives 2008 Archives 2007 Archives 2006 Archives 2005 Archives 2004 Archives Miketz – New Year Resolutions December 31, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : army; candelabra; character; cookie; diet; Google; halakha; hanukkah; kashrut; kosher; learn; Maccabees; military; miracles; Moses; musaf amidah; New Year's; oil; politics; presence; resolution; resolutions; resolve; Romans; texting; Torah; twitter; walking
Vayeshev – Light One Candle December 24, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Erez Sherman
Keywords : 405; blind; bricks; candle; candle; dark; darkness; David Ben-Gurion; dirt; gifts; Golda Meir; Hanukah; hero; Hillel; holiness; homeless; lights; match; menorah; miracle; Moses; names; Nazarian; news; online; paper; paralyzed; quarter; radio; Santa Monica; sign; smile; sons; suffering; test; Theodor Herzl
Vayishlach – Syria: When The Lights Go Out December 17, 2016
Keywords : Aleppo; Cambodia; candles; children; Darfur; darkness; day; fears; genocide; Hanukkah; light; monsters; NATO; night; Syria; terrors; truth; United Nations
Vayetzei – From Mishap to Miracle December 10, 2016
Keywords : angels; angry; Babylonia; Cordova; destination; empathy; fundraising; Heschel; Iraq; Jacob; Joseph; Laban; Leah; marry; Moses ben Hanoch; pirates; Rachel; ransom; salacious; ship; Spain; wife
Toldot – Jacob and Esau’s Grandparents December 3, 2016
Keywords : converting; Esau; family; grandchildren; grandparents; Irving; Isaac; Jacob; last Hanukkah; Nachmanides; Pinchas Peli; Ramban; Rebecca; Sadie; Sarah; students
Chayei Sara – Let Us Continue To Give Thanks November 26, 2016
Keywords : Budapest; coat; Danube; Europe; floor; Freud; ghosts; grateful; grateful; gratitude; haunted; Hitler; Joint Distribution Committee; poem; Prague; Stalin; Terezín; Thanksgiving; Theresienstadt; Ukraine; Vienna
Vayera – Was This A Standardized Test? November 19, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Abraham; angel; child; coal; compassion; cruelty; fear; funeral; Gomorrah; grandson; Hagar; Haran; Isaac; Ishmael; knife; mercy; sacrifice; Sarah; Sodom; Terach; Terah; wood
Lech-Lecha – Whose Journey Is It Really? November 12, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Abraham; authentic; cynical; divinity; food; fun; honest; imperfect; Isaac; Maimonides; mantra; pathway; patriarchy; Rambam; salvation; Sarah; serious; skepticism
Noach – Compassionate Confusion November 5, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : Aristotle; Babel; Babylonians; barbarian; candidates; certainty; confusion; election; Esperanto; flood; history; jokes; language; mystery; Robert Klein; sky; Star Trek; teachers; Tower; understanding; Yiddish; YouTube
Bereshit – Why We Left The Garden October 29, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Erez Sherman
Keywords : Anton Chekhov; Bertrand Russell; blunder; brokenness; chess; childhood; children; Chronicles; compassion; Eden; explore; folder; gratification; grown-up; healing; Jordan; Joshua; marshmallow; pain; Pythagoreans; suffering; Tree Of Knowledge; Tree Of Life; wilderness
Sukkot VI – Jerusalem: The U.N. Versus The Bible October 22, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Erez Sherman
Keywords : Ban Ki-moon; butter; Chelm; Estonia; France; Germany; history; Jerusalem; jokes; King David; Lithuania; Mohammed; Netherlands; Palestine; Poland; riddle; Sweden; toast; Temple Mount; UNESCO; United Kingdom; United Nations; United States; wall; Warsaw
Ha’Azinu -This Too Shall Pass October 15, 2016
Keywords : anti-Semite; branches; change; childhood; court; Ecclesiastes; election; George Elliot; Ginsberg; judge; Kohelet; Mary Ann Evans; president; Roosevelt; Solomon; sukkah; Sukkot
Yom Kippur – A Letter To My Father October 12, 2016
Keywords : Alexander Marks; ass; Ben Wolpe; books; Boston; boxer; brothers; Charleston; chess; childhood; cry; curse; Danny; dinner; elevator; father; granddaughter; Harrisburg; letter; Louis Finklestein; Louis Ginsberg; married; Paul; payphone; Philadelphia; Playboy; ran away; reading; Samara; serenity; Steve; stories; teacher; Vaudeville; wall; Widow's Walk
Kol Nidre – Lessons From 20 Years at Sinai October 11, 2016
Keywords : Alexander Marks; archaeologist; beggar; celebration; change; clock; community; death; diversity; echo chamber; gossip; grief; Job; letter; lie; money; Persian; place; politics; preconceptions; retrospective; see; shiva; sing; sink; transcendence; two sides; zealotry
Vayeilech – Beginning Again, Better October 8, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : Adam; begin; beginnings; calf; change; commandment; Eden; Eve; fail; failure; forest; garden; letter; love; recipe; renewal; revolution; secret; Seer Of Lublin; torah; Yaakov Yitzchak
2nd Day of Rosh Hashanah – Judaism In The 21st Century October 4, 2016
Rabbi David Wolpe and Rabbi Bradley Artson
Keywords : Abraham; anti-Semitism; art; Azerbaijan; Bel Air; Berlin; community; conservative; culture; debates; diversity; Howard Lester; identity; immigrant; Irving Kristol; loneliness; love; Madonna; Mexico; Poland; sacred; Shakespeare; South Africa; strangers; Trump; Uganda; Zionism
1st Day of Rosh Hashanah – ISRAEL: TRUTH, LIES and LIFE October 3, 2016
Keywords : Anthony Julius; anti-Semitism; Arab; beggar; Brown University; Canada; David Goldstien; David Irving; democracy; Denial; direction; Eliezer Ben-Yehuda; Gamal Abdel Nasser; gay pride; Harold Kushner; holocaust; homework; Jerusalem; lies; lost; lying; Mahmoud Abbas; Mark Twain; Mexico; Palestinians; poetry; Princess Diana; Psalm 153; Shimon Peres; students; supermarket; T.S. Elliot
Erev Rosh Hashanah – GROW October 2, 2016
Keywords : 1913; angel; Charles S. Dutton; convert; David; deafness; decision; dinner; dream; English professor; gunshot; Jacob; jazz; Joseph; Kafka; Kirk Douglas; Kotzk Rebbi; Louis Armstrong; Menachem Mendel; Midian; Peter Davis; prison; Rabbi Mark Borovitz; reinvention; renewal; resurrection; Ruth; second chance; solitary confinement
Nitzavim – Peres and the Greatest Generation October 1, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Erez Sherman
Keywords : Ariel Sharon ; cell phone ; David Ben-Gurion ; desecration ; Eliezer Ben-Yehuda ; madmen ; Maimonides ; Mark Twain ; Rambam ; realist ; revolt ; science fiction ; Shimon Peres ; Tel Aviv ; Theodor Herzl ; Yitzhak Rabin ; Zionism
Ki Tavo – Imagination September 24, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Erez Sherman
Keywords : actor; Albert Einstein; art; Charlton Heston; forgiveness; Frank Baum; future; Harry Potter; imagination; land; Los Angeles; movie; present; Wizard Of Oz
Ki Teitzei – Is The Torah Capitalist? September 17, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Erez Sherman
Keywords : Adam Smith; business; capitalism; community; compassion; Deuteronomy; eggs; empathy; empathy; Espadrilles; exploitation; fold; George Gilder; marketplace; money; moral; ox; private property; Theory Of Moral Sentiments; Urban Outfitters; women's shoes
Shoftim – Wholehearted with God September 10, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : Abraham Joshua Heschel; Alexander Marx; angry; Bachya; Chofetz Chaim; complete; cynical; elevator; honest; humble; Louis Ginzberg; naive; Obligations Of The Heart; perfect; perfection; Rabbeinu Bachya ben Asher; secrets; self-examination; sincere; skeptical; soul; whole-hearted
Re’eh – Safari Blessings September 3, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : Africa; Alps; Atlanta; behold; blessing; comedy; curse; Emery; giraffe; Jews On Safari; Johannesburg; Lithuania; mitzvah; movie; nature; safari; South Africa; teachers; teaching; tree; urban; virus
Eikev – What’s in a name? August 27, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Zvi Dershowitz
Keywords : Abraham; Ashkenazi; Avram; Bob Dylan; Cicero; Danny Kaye; Eddie Cantor; Edward G. Robinson; Esau; George Gershwin; Germany; Gershowitz; heel; Iran; Irving Berlin; Isaac; Jacob; Joey Bishop; Latin; Melvyn Douglas; Milton Berle; music; name; Napoleon Bonaparte; Nuremberg; Poland; Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki; Rashi; Rebecca; Rodney Dangerfield; Rome; rule; Russia; Samuel; Sarah; summer; Summertime; taxes; Tony Curtis; war; Zimmerman
Vaetchanan – Why We Need Knowledge When We Have Google August 20, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Bush; Clinton; computer; encyclopedia; eye doctor; facts; Google; Head In The Clouds; information; Ivy League; knowledge; Lincoln; Moses; Obama; Presidents; Rashi; screen; search engine; survey; telegraph; telephone; train; Washington; Wikipedia; William Poundstone
Devarim – A Stranger Among Us August 13, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Erez Sherman
Keywords : Abraham; blind date; bus; car; Chicago; Elijah; Ellis Hill; flight; J date; jesters; Liz Willock; Maimonides; Munich; Olympics; on-line dating; papers; Philadelphia; Rabbi Baroka; Rabbi Jonathan Sacks; Rabbi Lawrence Kushner; Rio De Janero; secrets; stranger; taxi; tent; Uber
Matot-Masei – Saying What You Mean August 6, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Benzion Netanyahu; cattle; diaspora; Ferdinand; George Will; history; Isaac Abravanel; Isabella; Jean Cocteau; Jordan; listen; Phil Donahue; quiet; space; Span; Spanish Inquisition; Tisha B'Av; translation; Walter Herzberg
Pinchas – Three Rabbis on Zealotry July 30, 2016
Rabbi David Wolpe, Rabbi Jason Fruithandler, & Rabbi Erez Sherman Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : abolitionists; argue; campers; complexity; Eastern Europe; Eliezer Ben-Yehuda; fanatic; ice cream; kindness; leadership; Maccabees; passion; peacemaker; Pinchas; school; shootings; suffragettes; summer; suspicious; warrior; zealot; zealotry
Balak – Living Your Private Life In Public July 23, 2016
Keywords : children; extrovert; Facebook; food; home; Huffington Post; information; Instagram; intimacy; introvert; Jacob; Jacob; Kanye West; Kim Kardashian; Maimonides; modesty; privacy; private; public; Quiet; Sherlock Holmes; strangers; Susan Cain; Taylor Swift; tents; The Guide For The Perplexed; Twitter; useless; Watson
Chukat – America the Beautiful July 16, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Erez Sherman
Keywords : Aaron; BHPD; clergy; creation; Dallas; destroy; destruction; Esau; ethnicity; Irish; Jacob; Jews; LAPD; Miriam; mosquitoes; NAACP; Nice; police; Red Sox; sports teams; Texas; vigil
Korach – A Week In Jerusalem July 9, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : Africa; Agoura; airplanes; Asian pivot; beggar; books; etrog; Hallel Yaffa Ariel; international; Israel; Jerusalem; Joseph Telushkin; Masada; Netanyahu; Newark, NJ; Sami Rohr; Tamar Elad-Appelbaum; tourists; wifi; Yehuda Amichai; Yehudah Mirsky; Yemenite healing juiceman
Sh’lach – Recapturing Our Childhood July 2, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : Bangladesh; Buchenwald; childhood; complain; conversion; Disneyland; Disneyworld; Eden; Elie Wiesel; Florida; Forward; freedom; heretic; innocence; Istanbul; lifecycle; Menachem Butler; Mickey Mouse; Minnie Mouse; New York; Orlando; paradise; Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook; reminders
Beha’alotcha – Sins of Speech June 25, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Erez Sherman
Keywords : Aaron; cheap; Chofetz Chaim; community; confession; election; gossip; housekeeper; internet; Israel Meir Kagan; lie; Miriam; Mr. X; negative; positive; Rabbi Joseph Telushkin; sin; speech; stealing
Nasso – Power Corrupts; Powerlessness Ruins June 18, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : 10 Commandments; 12 tribes; adulteress; adults; barley; brute force; cheating; children; compassion; covet; funding; Great Britain; hatred; husband; idol; jealous; jealousy; Jerusalem; Jo Cox; Parliament; police; power; priest; proof; ritual; Robinson's Arch; secret; shaming; wife
Shavuot II – Yizkor: Messages from Beyond June 13, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : David; forever; memory; niece; oral tradition; psalms; quote; recipe; redemption; student; teacher; tent
Bamidbar – What If You Didn’t Know June 11, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : A Theory of Justice; baseball; compassion; election; forget; hungry; ignorance; ignorant; internet; Jackie Robinson; John Rawls; justice; Muhammad Ali; newspaper; orphan; politics; poor; Satchel Paige; sheaves; society; tablets; television; widow
Bechukotai – Torah Advice for the Candidates June 4, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Erez Sherman
Keywords : blessings; campaign; candidate; census; Chofetz Chaim; Cicero; curses; danger; Demosthenes; hope; Israel Meir Kagan; leader; Leviticus; Plutarch; politics; president; rebuke; religion; sacrifice; unify; Winston Churchill
Behar – God: To Fear or Not Fear? May 28, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : advantage; cruel; fear; freedom; freedom; jerk; jubilee; land; loan; might; Mormon Tabernacle; need; peace; power; ruthless; Salt Lake City; Sforno; shmita; slavery; slaves; taco; Weight Watchers
Emor – Who’s A Hypocrite? May 21, 2016
Keywords : calories; confessional; cookie; diet; forgiving; Franz Rosenzweig; growth; hypocrisy; hypocrite; imperfect; journey; kosher; loser; perfect; perfection; person; pilgrimage; progress; restaurant; struggle
Kedoshim – Holiness May 14, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Nicole Guzik
Keywords : Abraham Joshua Heschel; Akiva ben Joseph; borders; division; division; holiness; holy; love; Midea; neighbor; openness; passion; sacred; sanctity; separate; separation; stranger; unity; walls
Achrei Mot – Hurt and Healing May 7, 2016
Keywords : Aaron; agitator; cardinals; death; egotism; Hyde Park; jail; loss; men's club; Moses; pacifist; pain; radio; repentance; resumptive repetition; suffer; transition; war; Yom Kippur
Passover VIII – “I Will Not Die But Live” April 30, 2016
Keywords : because; blood; death; dictionary; doorpost; Ecclesiastes; Even Shoshan; grief; John Bart; Jules Harlow; key; ki; life; preposition; sand; Sheharzaad; Simon Greenburg; translation; treasure; vanity; when; William Blake
Passover – Redemptions Big and Small April 23, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Erez Sherman
Keywords : 1926; Anders' Army; cake; Czechoslovakia; differences; Exodus; free; French; funeral; Habib Elghanian; Haji Aziz Elghanaian; Iraq; judgment; kings; love; Pesach; piano; Poland; prophets; refugee camp; Sam; shiva; Siberia; skiing; slaves; Solomon Cohen; Suzanna Cohen; Tehran; visionaries; Warsaw; wicked son
Metzora – “Pour Out Your Wrath” April 16, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Erez Sherman
Keywords : ancestors; anger; Brentwood; contemporary; Crusades; door; Elijah; fight; fury; Governor Brown; grievance; heat; historical; Jacob; Kotzker Rebbe; Lamentations; love; Menachem Mendel of Kotzk; Middle Ages; Passover; prison; Psalms; revenge; ritualize; Shlomo Carlebach; vengeance; warmth; women; wrath; Yom Kippur
Tazria – “Passover, What’s The Next Question?” April 9, 2016
Keywords : children; destruction; Egypt; Elijah; family; food; harp; history; lyre; music; pesach; psalms; saxophone; seder; shabbot; Sinai; temple; time-capsule; wilderness
Shmini – “How Judaism became Judaism.” April 2, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Aaron; angel; authors; book prize; business; Chapter 11; crowns; Daniel Gordis; Deborah Lipstadt; decorations; finance; grass; grow; inquire; interpret; interpret; Jonathan Sarna; Joseph Telushkin; judging; lunch; markets; Menachem Butler; middle word; Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook; Rabbi Akiva ben Joseph; Rav Kook; silence; silent; stocks; surprised; The Archive Thief; translation; Zosa Szajkowski
Tzav – “Is This A Test?” March 26, 2016
Keywords : Abraham; app; Ayn Sof; calories; carbohydrates; cholesterol; compulsive; creative; daughter; dreams; heart rate; income; iPhone; journey; kind; love; mean; measure; nice; numbers; obsessive; poll; protein; quality; stairs; steps; taxes; zip code
Vayikra– “The Real Hero of Purim” March 19, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : action hero; Ahash-verosh; Batman; Conan; Eric Diamond; Esther; frivolity; fun; Haman; hero; king; might; Mordecai; pop quiz; Purim; queen; Rebecca Small; silly; Vashti; women; Yom Kippur; Zeresh
Pekudei – “How Do You Measure A Life?” March 12, 2016
Keywords : Abraham; app; Ayn Sof; calories; carbohydrates; cholesterol; compulsive; creative; daughter; dreams; heart rate; income; iphone; journey; kind; love; mean; measure; nice; numbers; obsessive; poll; protein; quality; stairs; steps; taxes; zip code
Va-Yak-Hel – “Turning Knowledge into Wisdom” March 5, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : bowling alley, children, clothes, coat, dancing, Golden Calf, happiness, joyous, Man's Search For Meaning, Martin Mull, meaning, nostalgia, parents, purpose, singing, thesis, Viktor Frankl
Ki Tisa – “Why We Worship Idols” February 27, 2016
Keywords : Abraham Joshua Heschel, generation, giving wall, humility, ideas, intellectual, knowledge, Kotzker Rebbe, learn, Menachem Mendel, question, satisfied, sermon, smart, study, thirst, title, wise
Terumah – “Love Jewish Style” February 13, 2016
Keywords : Abraham, child, clothe, dreams, Fiddler On The Roof, guilt, love, parent, rhetoric, romantic, sorrows, Valentine
Mishpatim – “Membership and Community” February 6, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Alfred Whitehead, ashamed, Binyamin Lau, children, choice, community, destiny, fail, family, fate, gathering, Hanukkah, Hillel, hypocrite, Irving Greenberg, membership luncheon, Naomi, past, politician, politics, Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, Russian, Ruth, support, villiage, Yitz Greenberg
Yitro – “Loving God or Your Neighbor – Which Comes First?” January 30, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Erez Sherman
Keywords : Abraham, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Azerbaijan, commandment, father, honor, idolatry, insult, mother, murder, obligation, parents, Simon Greenberg, stranger, visit
Beshalach – You Can Take It With You January 23, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Erez Sherman
Keywords : ancestors, ark, bones, check, generation, gold, Heaven, Joseph, prodigy, Rashi, receipts, Saul Lieberman, seminary, silver, song, wealthy, words
Bo – Our Mission Is More Than Survival January 16, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : Auschwitz, Clive James, counselor, credit card, education, Edward Abbey, Fiji, jungle, Leo Baeck, morality, parents, peril, Pesach, politics, survival, survived, threat, tiger
Vaera – What Makes A Leader Great: The Example of Moses January 9, 2016
Keywords : Alan Paton, candidate, Chaim Weizmann, challenge, Egyptian, election, history, justice, lead, leadership, Martin Luther King, Jr., Median, scars, South Africa, Theodor Herzl
Shemot – Becoming A People January 2, 2016
Drash: Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Keywords : 2016, Adin Steinsaltz, adult, airport, American, Amos Funkenstein, borders, child, cities, countries, different, divide, enemy, exile, ghost, Jacob, Leon Pinsker, minute, new year, paint, Pharaoh, property, slave, spirit, time, Zionist