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Kol Nidre: Be An Ancestor For The Earth

Keywords: Adam; Adin Steinsaltz; ancestor; carbon dioxide; cattle; Chernobyl; climate; energy; forest; Freeman Dyson; global; warming; greenhouse gas; Lord Randolph Churchill; Moses; plastic; Robert Frost; science; straws; temperature; vegetarian


1st Day of Rosh Hashanah – We Are Family

Keywords: belief; criticism; David Chudnovsky; Edwin Markham; family; Gregory Chudnovsky; Israel; kindness; Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev; love; politics; religion; Simpsons; Soviet Union

Erev Rosh Hashanah – What I’ve Learned of Love

Keywords: answers; change; Colonel's Lady; emotion; Heraclitus; Iris Murdoch; love; Mario Stefani; questions; sacrifice; W. Somerset Maugham

Ki Teitzei – Who Am I?

Keywords: ancestors; Arthur Hertzberg; avarice; comedy; David Hume; deeds; dreams; introspection; Joseph Schumpeter; kindness; legacy; money; Mordecai Kaplan; Randolph Churchill; relationship; self; vodka; Walt Whitman; Woody Allen



Pinchas – The Mountain of Transition

Keywords: Abarim; Abraham; Av; Babylonians; blessing; Canaan; change; Heraclitus; Joseph Epstein; Joshua; moon; Moses; Rabbinic Judaism; reinvention; Romans; Samson Raphael; Hirsch; temple; Tisha B'Av; transition; Yohanan ben Zakkai

Korach – Rebellion And Revolution

Keywords: 4th of July; Alexander Hamilton; America; Athens; Benjamin Franklin; Bill Of Rights; colonists; Constitution; earthquake; England; Federalist Papers; fireworks; freedom; genius; George Washington; history; Italy; John Adams; king; Korach; Los Angeles; monarchy; Moses; New Haven; president; rebellion; republic; revolution; Samuel; slavery; Thomas Jefferson; Twitter; tyrants


Nasso – Was Samson An American Jew?

Keywords: Abraham; Ball Four; biblical; David; Delilah; discipline; Genesis; gifted; hair; hero; impulse; influence; Jim Bouton; Joe Namath; Judges; Lakers; Moses; obligation; Philistines; power; priveledge; responsible; Samson; sports; strength; wealth


Behar – The Jewish People and the American Ideal

Keywords: Alexander Hamilton; Canter's Deli; Chinese Theater; Civil War; Concord; George Washington; Gettysburg; Harrisburg; Haym Salomon; history; inclusion; Independence Hall; Judah Touro; Liberty Bell; Los Angeles; Memorial Day; Moses Seixas; Nate'n Al; National Historical Register; Newport; Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Rhode Island; Thomas Jefferson; tolerance; Touro Synagogue

Achrei Mot – “After Death” – Poway and the Jewish Future

Keywords: anti-semitism; Ben-Gurion; Cedars-Sinai; college; congress; FaceBook; glass; Hillel; holocaust; Jabotinsky; Jason Greenblat; Lori Gilbert-Kaye; Louis Farrakhan; martyrdom; New York Times; Night And Fog; NYU; Pepperdine; Poway; president; Racing Against History; Randi Grossman; Richard Nixon; Rick Richman; Tel Aviv; Trump; Weizmann; Yom HaShoah


Pesach I – What Do You Hunger For?

Keywords: book; care; compassion; eat; food; give; grow; Hayim Nahman Bialik; hunger; inertia; insight; justice; learning; love; mystery; pesach; poverty; read; righteousness; seder; selfies; slave; Song Of Songs; Spring; study; Twitter; wine; zohar


Shmini – The Physics of Blessing

Keywords: Aaron; Aesop; Baal Shem Tov; baruch atta; bless; blessing; brilliant; broken; Dov Ber of Mezeritch; flawed; genie; golden calf; hiding; Maggid of Mezritch; Martin Buber; presence; transparent

Vayakhel – Why Not Idolatry

Keywords: commandment; devotion; faith; God; golden calf; humility; idolatry; ignorance; justice; Kenneth Seeskin; love; Maimonides; mezuzah; narcissism; nature; philosophy; prayer; Rambam; reverence; truth; worship

