By Sinai Temple on
May 15, 2018
On Tuesday, May 15, the Sinai Temple community spent the day with author and teacher, Dr. David Kraemer. In town from New York, Dr. Kraemer spent the afternoon with eighth grade students from Alice and Nahum Lainer School, discussing Jewish identity and eating. Be it abiding by rules of Kashruth, or eating particular foods for Jewish holidays, students explored if and how religious and cultural identities influence eating habits, preferences and traditions. Is there such thing as “Jewish” food? What makes bread and wine so holy across religions? These were the sorts of thought-provoking topics we explored. In the evening,…
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By Sinai Temple on
May 15, 2018
On Monday, May 14, Sinai Temple, the American Jewish Committee-LA and the Consul General of Azerbaijan, Nasimi Aghayev, held a joint program, at which Muslim, Jewish and Christian community leaders from Azerbaijan discussed religious pluralism and tolerance in a majority-Muslim community. This important conversation, which pushed religious barriers and encouraged inclusiveness, was moderated by Rabbi Erez Sherman. Panelists included: The Honorable Mubariz Gurbanli, Chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Milikh Yevdayev, President of the Religious Community of the Mountain Jews of Azerbaijan Mr. Aleksandr Sharovskiy, President of the Religious Community of European Jews of Azerbaijan Mr. Fuad…
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By Sinai Temple on
May 7, 2018
On Sunday, May 6 over 720 Sinai Temple members and friends gathered to honor Max Webb Senior Rabbi David Wolpe’s twenty years of leadership, building a sacred community. The themes of the evening were inclusion, acceptance and unity. The Sinai Temple Gala not only celebrated Rabbi Wolpe’s legacy of leadership and community building, it also marked the official announcement of the naming of The Elaine & Gerald Wolpe Parenting Center of Alice and Nahum Lainer School of Sinai Temple, in memory of his parents. In his remarks of award acceptance, Rabbi Wolpe spoke words of great admiration and appreciation for…
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By Sinai Temple on
May 3, 2018
On Tuesday, March 1, over 150 people attended a Sinai Temple’s Men’s Club and AIPAC co-sponsored event, A Light Unto The Nations, featuring Yotam Polizer, CEO of IsraAID, in conversation with Rabbi Erez Sherman. The evening opened with Men’s Club President Mark Haloossim, who welcomed the group, followed by Rachael Ripps, AIPAC’s Southern Pacific Synagogue Initiative Deputy Director, who spoke about AIPAC’s diligent work to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship, as well as Israel’s accomplishments over the past 70 years. Leading up to the evening’s main event, UCLA student activist, Amir Kashfi, spoke about how his grandfather’s bravery and activism during the…
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By Sinai Temple on
May 2, 2018
On Tuesday, May 1, Sinai Temple clergy, staff and members ventured beyond our synagogue walls for a productive and engaging Learn and Lunch in Century City. Hosted by Paul Lawrence and his firm, Mc Dermott Will & Emery LLP, Rabbi Nicole Guzik spent the afternoon studying Torah with a group of Century City attorneys and business leaders. The topic of the rabbi-led conversation was “I Believe In Miracles…Do You?” We supplied the learning (And the Kosher deli!), and Mc Dermott Will & Emery LLP graciously provided the space. Following the lunch, members commented on how refreshing it was to take a moment out of their jam-packed days to connect to their…
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By Sinai Temple on
May 2, 2018
Last Sunday, April 29, Sinai Temple Men’s Club and Social Action Committee partnered with Habitat for Humanity to build a home for a family in need. The group, which included Men’s Club President Mark Haloossim and Rabbi Jason Fruithandler, among others, hammered, sawed, painted and sanded for a fantastic cause. We look forward to future partnership with H4H and are so thankful to everyone who contributed! #MarkitwithaMitzvah
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By Sinai Temple on
April 18, 2018
On Friday, April 13, Sinai Temple’s Atid community hosted its monthly Ted & Hedy Orden and Family Friday Night Live, an innovative Shabbat service, happy hour and dinner, tailored specifically to community members ages 21-39. This month’s FNL was sponsored by and highlighted the work of long-time community partner, Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles. The mission of Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles (JBBBSLA) is to assist youth in achieving their full potential through innovative, impactful programs, which facilitate lasting mentoring relationships and support positive development. One way they do this is through their well-known, one-to-one mentoring programming….
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By Sinai Temple on
March 22, 2018
On Tuesday, March 20, over 150 Sinai Temple members and friends joined Sinai Temple Sisterhood for the 2018 Torah Fund Luncheon. The afternoon’s honorees included Ha’Yay Olam Award recipients Deborah Eisen Weinstein and Rabbi Jason Fruithandler, and Hannah Lippert Award recipient, longtime Sinai Temple leader and educator, Rachelle Marcus. The atmosphere was festive and celebratory. Both the honorees and presenters struck an emotional chord. All three honorees spoke of the importance of their Jewish identity, strong sense of community here at Sinai, and the vital need to give back, a core tenet of Sisterhood’s mission. The afternoon concluded with inspirational music…
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By Sinai Temple on
March 22, 2018
On Wednesday, March 21, Sinai Temple hosted a program geared towards the “Sandwich Generation,” those who are still taking care of and supporting their children, while simultaneously caring for aging parents, often with health complications. Approximately 15 Sinai Temple members joined Clinical Psychologist Dr. Francine Lederer, attorney and long-term care expert Zoran Basich, and financial planner and investment advisor Zev Fried for a candid discussion about what can become a very overwhelming and stressful undertaking. The stories of shared experiences brought comfort and connection to the diverse group of attendees. This event was held in a lovely, private Westwood home and was exclusively…
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By Sinai Temple on
March 20, 2018
On Sunday, March 18 Sinai Temple Men’s Club held its 31st Annual Burning Bush Gala, honoring Sinai Temple’s Rabbi Erez Sherman and Cantor Marcus Feldman. The Burning Bush Awards are presented annually to deserving men and women of the Sinai community who represent strong Jewish values, unwavering support of Israel and a deep commitment to giving back. This year’s recipients are pillars of Sinai Temple and are deeply defined by their Jewish identities. Rabbi Sherman’s award was presented to him by colleague and longtime friend, Rabbi Jason Fruithandler. Rabbi Fruithandler spoke of Rabbi Sherman’s unwavering commitment to both his family and…
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